One year after the initial announcement of a Death Stranding movie, Kojima Productions has enlisted the renowned studio A24, known for films like Everything Everywhere All At Once and Uncut Gems, to join the project. The collaboration aims to adapt Death Stranding into a live-action film.
With over 16 million players immersed in Hideo Kojima’s haunting game, Death Stranding follows courier Sam Porter Bridges, portrayed by Norman Reedus, tasked with unifying a fractured America after a cataclysmic event. Known for its strange and captivating narrative, the game’s cinematic qualities make it a significant venture for A24.
The film adaptation will “delve into the mysteries surrounding the apocalyptic event called the ‘Death Stranding,’ which blurred the lines between life and death, and brought forth nightmarish creatures into a world on the brink of collapse,” according to a press release. It’s important to note that the film won’t directly replicate the events of the game.
“There are numerous ‘game adaptation films’ in existence, but what we are crafting is not merely a straightforward translation of the game,” remarked Kojima, who acknowledges drawing inspiration from some of A24’s productions. “The intention is for our audience to extend beyond game enthusiasts, making our film appealing to anyone who appreciates cinema. We are constructing a Death Stranding universe that has never been witnessed before; attainable only through the cinematic medium, it will come to life.”
Kojima, a well-known cinephile who might have pursued a career as a film director in an alternate reality, may not have the time to step into the director’s role on this occasion. Kojima Productions is currently occupied with two ongoing game projects: a Death Stranding sequel and a new venture named OD. Nevertheless, A24 boasts several notable collaborators who could bring a compelling Death Stranding film to fruition. The involvement of directors such as Ari Aster, Robert Eggers, Sofia Coppola, or Alex Garland raises anticipation for the creative possibilities within this source material.”